YARS Monthly Meeting 3 March 2009 Attending: Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG Tom Nelson W6EO Bill Ragsdale K6KN Dave Simmons W6OT Greg Kruckewitte KG6SJT Diana Cox KI6PFR Rick Littlefield N6KLB Ben B. Norman WA6NIK Robert Schulz KC6UDS Wes Young WA6MAN Bob Hewitt K6HEW Meeting opened by President Rick Littlefield N6KLB at 1930 hrs. Rick welcomed two guests and self-introductions were made. No review of last meetings minutes due to absence of the secretary. Ben WA6NIK gave a treasurer's report of $3100.00 and a reminder that dues were due. $150 still needs to be paid to Explorit for use of the meeting room. Greg KG6SJT gave a report on Field Day preparations. About 5 have signed up so far online. Yolo County Fairgrounds is a possible site. Diana KI6PFR asked for a description of FD and Bill K6KN gave a summary of FD operations. A short discussion on the potential of the fairgrounds site for FD ensued. Robert KC6UDS gave a summary of events for the coming year that YARS members participate in. These included the Willet Fun Run, UCD Triathlon, Davis Double Century, Western States, Tevis, Princess Promendade, and Foxy's Fall Century. Diana KI6PFR gave a report on the amateur radio situation at UCD as it relates to emergency preparatons. The station is operating and about 24 people are interested in signing up for UCD EOC operations. She has been talking to other UC campuses about their emergency preparations. Official business meeting closed at 2005 hrs. Presentation by Bill K6KN about the Desecheo Island DXpedition followed.